Halal Vitamins



Vitamin D3 – Benefits, Deficiencies, Causes, Food Essentials and Diseases

Vitamin D3 also called cholecalciferol helps in absorbing calcium. Generally, it is not considered as a vitamin rather it is called as a prohormone as the body can produce it by absorbing sunlight. This vitamin is used to treat some vitamin D deficiencies. The main thing in vitamin D3 is it increases the absorption of calcium. It is found in foods like fish, eggs, and cheese. It is treated for the people with low levels of vitamin D3 like people with low levels of phosphate in blood, hereditary conditions and people who have underactive parathyroid glands. Vitamin D3 also supports the kidneys in recycling the phosphate into the blood so that a pH level maintains the same level.

Vitamin D3 Benefits:

  • The primary benefit of Vitamin D3 helps in absorbing Calcium which helps in maintaining better bone health.
  • Vitamin D3 helps in repairing of skin and used for skin growth.
  • It helps our body to lose fat and builds muscle strength. Deficiency may cause muscle pain, achiness, and fatigue.
  • Vitamin D3 can potentially help diabetes patients to manage diabetes and also regulates glucose levels.
  • Vitamin D3 can reduce the chances of getting flu which is the flu virus.
  • Vitamin D3 deficiency may lead to some autoimmune disorders. So Vitamin D3 can help in treating some autoimmune disorders.
  • Vitamin D3 can treat LDL Cholesterol. Studies have stated that low levels of vitamin D3 can increase the levels of cholesterol.

Vitamin D3 Deficiencies and Causes

Deficiency of Vitamin D3 causes absorption of calcium in our body which in turn affects the bones. The vitamin intake should be up to 10000 International Units but as the vitamin is rare in our food sources we are unable to get the needed vitamin to our body. People who don’t get exposed to sunlight may suffer a lot from this deficiency.

Factors causing Vitamin D3 deficiency

Exposure to Sunlight:  People who stay mostly at indoors may suffer from this deficiency in the higher amount, as our body needs Ultraviolet Rays which comes from the sun. As sunshine is the main key role for getting Vitamin D. Our body needs to be exposed to sunlight for at least 15-20 min so that we can vitamin D3 in sufficient amounts.

Use of Cosmetics: In order to avoid our skin get tan and other reasons people use sunscreens.  Sunscreens with high SPF will stop our skin to absorb sunlight which in turn leads to the lack of Vitamin D. As our skin convert UV rays to Vitamin D3 sunlight is essential for our skin

Less Intake of Vitamin D3 rich foods: There are very fewer food sources which supply Vitamin D3 in that some of them are Fish and fish Oil have many sources of Vitamin D3 whereas milk, bread, and cereals contain Vitamin D3 in less quantity. So people taking fish and fish products has very less vitamin D deficiency compared to the vegetarians.

Symptoms of Vitamin D3 Deficiency

Vitamin D3 plays a key role in preventing premature aging. D3 helps in treating skin problems like psoriasis and acne. Dry skin is also one of the symptoms of Vitamin D3 deficiency.

Vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to the improper functioning of the thyroid gland. Without Vitamin D3 the treatment done by herbs and other ways doesn’t show any effect.

The main disease related to bones are Rickets. It is mainly occurred because of inadequate absorption of calcium and phosphate.

Vitamin D3 deficiency leads to neurological problems. D3 maintains the relaxation of involuntary muscles, this process can control the blood pressure which can prevent problems like a migraine and headaches.

Vitamin D3 helps in cognition which means a process of acquiring knowledge and understand through senses and experiences. So for the proper mental function D3 is essential in huge for the older adults.

Diseases due to lack of Vitamin D3

  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (Back Pain)
  • Hair loss
  • Autoimmune Disorders/ Rheumatoid Arthritis- swelling and severe pain in joints
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Depression

Foods essential to obtain D3:

Vitamin D3 can be produced by our body by taking UVB rays that come from sunlight and convert into Vitamin D3. But there are very less foods which are rich in Vitamin D3 one of them is Cod Liver Oil and other foods that has less quantity are eggs, cheese, beef liver and fatty fish.

Halal Vitamin for Vitamin D3:Halal Vitamins

But as there are very less foods which are rich in Vitamin D3, so usage of some supplements will help to obtain D3. Healthy Bio-Vitamins products like Vitamin D3-2000/5000 IU are very safe to use and supply a sufficient amount of Vitamin to our body which is also a vegetable capsule that can be used by both vegetarians and non-vegetarians consumers.

