Jointin Halal Vitamins



Essential Vitamins, Minerals and Proteins for healthy bones

Health problems related to bones fracture is very uncomfortable.  But we need to get to know how strong our bones are, and will they bear the next fracture. But the basic thing is that healing of bones is natural phenomena.   

Brief about fracture healing:

Healing process involves a lot of complicated processes of cell and tissue expansion and differentiation. Many of the players experience growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, bone breakdown and bone-building cells, amino acids.

There are three phases of fracture healing

Firstly, the Inflammation phase, in this stage as the fracture happens a blood clot forms which allows the influx of inflammatory, clean-up cells to the wound area. This is done by the cytokine cascade which brings the repair cells to the fracture. And these cells further get differentiated into other specialized cells which build new bone tissue and new cartilage. Through the next few months, these cells start the repair process by creating the new bone matrix and cartilage.

The other is the Reparative stage occurs after two weeks of fracture.

The final stage is the fracture repair stage known as Remodeling phase. In this stage, the callus gets matured and remodels itself.

The Nutritional diet for bone healing:

The fracture healing process goes on increasing according to the increase of the nutritional needs. We need a huge of amount of energy which we can get from the calories which we take at the time of the intake of the food. Bone healing requires the synthesis of the new proteins, which is dependent on the supply of enough amounts of amino acids and that are derived from the dietary proteins.  And also, a well-versed amount of blood supply is also necessary.

Steps to expedite bone healing:

There are various steps to reduce the fracture healing:

Providing enough amount of energy to the body

The bone healing requires a lot of energy and it’s important to increase the calorie count. Normally an adult requires 2500 calories per day and the person with multiple fractures with bed rest should take 6000 calories per day.

Increase Proteins, Minerals, and vitamins intake

Generally, bones in terms of volume half of the bone are composed of proteins. When any fracture happens, the body is advised to gather protein building blocks together to blend a new structural bone protein matrix. Amino acids which have special importance including lysine, arginine, proline, glycine, cystine, and glutamine.

When it comes to minerals, the weight of the bone is comprised of 70 % of minerals. Minerals for healing fractures are:

Zinc helps in treating callus formation, enhancing bone proteins production and which in turn heals the fracture.

Copper supports in the formation of bone collagen and is essential in the healing process.

Silicon A study in the year 2005 has stated that they found bioactive silicon to regulate the effect of calcium and vitamin D3 for the formation of new bone and it has been believed that bioactive silicon has a key role in bone collagen synthesis.

Calcium and phosphorous the key minerals that are present in the bone are calcium and phosphorous. This helps in boosting the elastic stiffness and tensile strength in the bone and building and rebuilding of the bone tissues.

The food sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, soy, almond milk and fortified cereals or juice.

Vitamins are the accelerators for many of the biochemical reactions. In the case of healing the essential vitamins are

Vitamin C which is essential for the regulation of the bone collagen protein matrix. Deficiency of vitamin c cause are the collagen becomes unstable and that results in the improper functioning. As it is essential for the bone collagen formation enough quantities of vitamin c helps in the healing of bone fractures.

Food sources are some of the citrus fruits namely oranges, kiwi fruits, berries, tomatoes, pepper, potatoes and green vegetables.

Vitamin D acts as an accelerator for absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is essential for fracture healing and without any dependency Vitamin D is a manager of the functional recovery of hip fracture.

Vitamin K is one of the essential parts of biochemical processes which connect calcium to the bone and is also helps in the formation of Osteocalcin which is a bone protein.

Vitamin B6 is one of the families of B vitamins which has a role in the healing of fractures. And another important feature is vitamin B6 adjusts the effects of vitamin k on bone through the complex biochemical pathways.

Finally, bone is one of the complex and living tissues which will keep changing constantly. A better combination of hormones, nutrients, and other factors are essential for the formation of bones and its maintenance.

So, it’s better to make habituated to get the adequate minerals, vitamins, and proteins in our diet. And if you switch to adapt to Vitamin supplements to gain all the vitamins, minerals and proteins then choose wisely. Halal certified vitamins provide all the ingredients for a particular health-related issue and one among them is Healthy Bio -Vitamins which includes all the vitamins and minerals essential for healing and these are also safe to use.

Try our product Bestamin – contains essential Vitamins and Minerals for an active lifestyle.

