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List of Halal Vitamins & its Benefits for Women, Men & Kids

What are Vitamins?

Humans need vitamins which are the organic compositions required to survive. The Vitamins come from our daily food. Not all organisms have the same vitamin requirement. Different vitamins have different roles and each vitamins needs in divergent quantities.

A Vitamin is which human body can’t produce and which needs to get from the food. They are either water soluble or fat soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble and stored in fatty tissues of the body. Water soluble vitamins don’t stay in the body for a long time. All B Vitamins and Vitamin C are Water Soluble.

Gelatin and its uses:

Gelatin is a transparent, colorless, odorless breakable food. It is a protein generally obtained from the animal body.  Gelatin acts as a vessel for enclosing the vitamins. As this is sticky this is used in vitamin capsules, some of the jelly food, pharmaceutical drugs, desserts, and candies.

In the United States, pigskin is the main source to produce gelatin, which is considered as a waste. But in order to produce collagen protein, they remove the fat and hair from the skin and kept in frozen to a plant which extracts the collagen.

Halal Vitamins

In the present day’s lot, people are shifting to supplements in order maintain the balancing quantity of vitamins for their body. While choosing the products you must be careful and should get to know what kind of ingredients the manufacturers are using in the products.

A lot of products doesn’t disclose the ingredients because of the source they use for producing the vitamins. So, the smart way for choosing the vitamin products is Halal Vitamins. Halal certified is just an organization which is an independent organization which has inspected the products and practices that are involved in making the Vitamins that follow the Islamic Dietary Laws.

The halal-certified product allows you a chance of knowing the ingredients that are used to in vitamin supplements. Halal Certified products have a seal and certified stamp indicating the products in inspected individually and approved.

We are halal certified vitamins store located in Dunellen, New Jersey 08812 USA.

Halal certified vitamins


Things to consider before taking a halal vitamin:

Whether it is a Muslim store or any just check the halal certification or the stamp. It just like an exploration of the product.

As there is a lot of demand for the consumption of products the no of certifier count has also been increased. There are many institutes and organizations which provide halal certification. The most authentic certifiers are IFANCA & ISWA.

By checking all the ingredients one can get to know what are the products that are included in halal vitamins in order to identify easily which are halal and nonhalal.

Taking the diet according to the RDA is a Halal lifestyle, and also a part of Islamic diet. RDA means the amount of nutrient and calorie intake per day.


List of Halal vitamins provided by HealthyBiovitamins:

1.  Bestamin: – Bestamin for men and women is used to provide the exact diet that needed to the human body daily.  Bestamin helps in boosting the energy levels. bestamin halal multi vitamin
2.  Hair, Skin, and Nails (Biotin):- Biotin (Vitamin h) for men and women helps our body to absorb fats and proteins. It is used for better hair, skin, nails and also helps in functioning of the nervous system properly. Mainly used for a female.
Vitamins for Hair, Skin and Nails
3. Jointin: – It can be used both by men and women. It is the combination of vitamin K-2 and Vitamin D3, calcium magnesium and black seed powder. It is mainly used to improve joint tenderness, enhance joint flexibility, and promote a balanced inflammatory response.
Jointin Halal Vitamins
4. Omega fit Fish Oil:– Omega 3 (or) EPA and omega 6 (or) DHA are the fatty acids cannot be produced by our body. EPA is used for better heart health and helps in normal brain development and function.
Omegafit - Omega 3 Fish Oil
5. Vitamin D3 -2000/5000 IU:Vitamin D3 helps promotes the absorption of calcium in the human body, which is important for both health and also used for the better immune system.
Halal Vitamins
6. Yumy Gumy– It is for kids age factor up to 1-13. It is made of a combination vitamin b3 which is needed for a healthy nervous system, B5 which helps in healthy sugar levels, and digestive system. B6 which helps in the healthy immune system and positive outlook. B7 which helps in healthy digestion and better metabolism. B12 is memory vitamin needed for better sleep and better functioning of the brain, Folic Acid which helps the body produce new cells and also helps to prevent cancer.
Yumy gumy halal vitamins


If you are looking for any of the above halal vitamins from Muslim store you can reach us through email or Call (732) 474-0263.

